New Orleans, Louisiana rapper Punn Da Pusha delivers visuals for "Bllrrdd". New Orleans, a city brimming with an abundance of musical talent, seems to overflow with emerging artists, making it nearly impossible to keep up, despite dedicating years to studying and supporting the local scene. In the midst of this thriving musical landscape, allow us to introduce a creative powerhouse from New Orleans who goes by the name Punn Da Pusha. Today, he marks his return to NOLAZINE with his freshly released track titled "Bllrrdd," showcasing Punn Da Pusha's mastery of cutthroat rapping. The track delivers three minutes and twenty seconds of unadulterated bars that intricately dissect the beat with precision.
There comes a particular moment when encountering a new artist that unveils their potential impact and authenticity. Immersing oneself in their music provides a window into their passion, influences, and unwavering love for the art they create. Establishing such an intimate connection with artists is a rare and precious occurrence. This brings us to the focal point of our discussion: our recent discovery, Punn Da Pusha. While details about this incredibly gifted hip-hop artist may be limited, one undeniable truth emerges—Punn Da Pusha is an artist worthy of close examination. His latest release, "Bllrrdd," serves as a compelling example of an artist you'll definitely want to get acquainted with.
Stay connected with Punn Da Pusha on Instagram to follow his artistic journey:
Instagram: @DAPUSHA___