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Detroit, Michigan Rapper The Big Homie Delivers "Micheal Jackson Bad"

Detroit, Michigan music artist The Big Homie delivers visuals for "Micheal Jackson Bad". If you're in search of a soul-soothing melody to jumpstart your week, we've got the perfect remedy for you. The Big Homie crossed our radar about a week ago, and we are firmly convinced that 2023 will mark his transformation from a familiar name to a bona fide superstar. We had the privilege of immersing ourselves in his debut music video, and it's abundantly clear that he's crafting music with a timeless allure.

There comes a moment when you're introduced to a new artist, and you can't help but recognize the profound impact they are destined to make and the sincerity of their musical intentions. Simply by listening to their work, you gain insight into their passion, influences, and unbridled love for the art they create. This rare and intimate connection with artists doesn't occur frequently, but when it does, it's impossible to ignore. This preamble brings us to the focus of this post and our most recent discovery: The Big Homie. While our knowledge of this incredibly talented hip-hop artist may be limited, one thing is abundantly clear—The Big Homie is an artist who commands your undivided attention. His latest single, "Michael Jackson Bad," stands as a compelling testament to why you'll want to acquaint yourself with his work.

Discover more about him on Instagram: @THE8IGHOMIE_

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