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Baton Rouge, Louisiana Native Wild Woody Drops "The Only Way"

Baton Rouge, Louisiana native Wild Woody drops new visuals for "The Only Way" produced by DJ B Real. Louisiana is known for having an all-out surplus of skilled music artists, but it seems like if you’re not in the mainstream part of the music scene there, it can be easy to get overshadowed. Well, this is at least typically the case, but Wild Woody has been really good at diversifying his sonic and creative portfolio in order to avoid being overlooked, and we are beyond glad about that because his inventive mind is just too much of a force to be ignored. As the years go on, it seems like he only continues to see his stock price go up, and recently, that price has risen way higher than ever before, with each move he makes contributing to the pinnacle of it all in the form of his new music video "The Only Way".

Wild Woody is truly one of the many talented music artist that the state of Louisiana has to offer, and today he is making his debut on Nolazine with the release of his brand new music video for "The Only Way". Since the first time we heard Wild Woody's music, we knew instantly that he had a ton of talent + potential, one of the first things we noticed is that he raps with a certain type of charisma that you just don’t see every day, and the wild part is, since then he has improved as an artist. Take a few minutes out of your Thursday to watch this brand new visual below, and if you like Wild Woody's music then keep up with his future releases by giving him a follow on Instagram here

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